
See the journey towards Wholistic Wealth through the eyes of people just like you!


See how others transformed their pain into something beautiful

Sholeh Shahinfar

CEO and Speech Pathologist

Kim Davey

Entrepreneur & Real Estate

Lily Mockerman

CEO and Entrepreneur

Kathy Goughenour

CEO and Entrepreneur

Jessica Carter

CEO and Entrepreneur

Tyler Lowe

Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Return on Ideas, USA

Lourdes Paredes

Entrepreneur & Yoga Teacher

Mary Sabo

Entrepreneur and Life Coach

Sheena Repath

Entrepreneur and Co-Founder

Sheila Allen

Health Food Store Owner (now retired)

Tash Butler

Marketing Consultant + CEO of Boost Marketing Services, Australia

Theresa Laurico

Producer & Entrepreneur

Phillip Anthony Gornail

Producer & Director

Cherry Rose Tan

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, For Founders by Founder

Ella Nemcova

Creative Entrepreneur & Chef, USA

Casey Lightbody


Collin Matthews

CEO Press Foundry, USA

Adam Carpenter

Product Manufacturing

Keka Dasgupta

Founder and CEO of The Art of Life-ing

Ian Kelleher

CEO + Entrepreneur

Rebecca Devaney


Elayne Fluker

Speaker, Author & Entrepreneur

Bailey Roberts

Entrepreneur, Service Industry

Carrie-Ann Biondi

Service Industry, Author

Christopher Roberts

Sales & Marketing Executive

Dana Mierlak

Performing Artist and Operations Director

Jay Nazar

Retail Industry

Michelle Godfrey

Therapist and Business Owner

Josette Williams

Retail Industry

John Bagdasarian

Creative Director

Kathryn Baker

Service Industry Executive

Jennifer Maffessanti

Service Industry Writer and Consultant

Michelle Hessing

Service and Marketing Entrepreneur

Alexis Malatesta


Derek Niedert

Service Industry

Erin Green


Lee Williams Boudakian

Entrepreneur & Start-up Advisor, Canada

Vanessa Chui

Therapist and Coach

Kaona McGowan

Founder of Just Call Me K, USA

Claudia Chan

Founder, She Global Media & She Summit