See the journey towards Wholistic Wealth through the eyes of people just like you!

See how others transformed their pain into something beautiful

“If you examine any successful entrepreneur they typically have one thing in common: a mentor. Nearly every successful person in history had someone who they could confide in and learn from. Jennifer Love offers entrepreneurs valuable insights.”
Marcus Lemonis
CNBC’s the Profit, Host Chairman & CEO Good Sam and Camping World, Lemon-AID Foundation

“Jennifer is a force of nature!”
Victoria Moran
Author & On-Air Talent & Director of Main Street Vegan Academy

“Jennifer is a force of nature!”
Victoria Moran
Author & On-Air Talent & Director of Main Street Vegan Academy

“I have had the pleasure of building NibMor with Jennifer Love from the ground up. Jennifer was able to motivate me out of fear and out of the idea of a business like NibMor being ‘impossible’. When we came together as partners, she was incredibly patient with me (I didn’t come from a business background), and rather than schooling me, she empowered me with her infectious ‘can do’ attitude. We’ve scaled mountains large and small with that attitude! She is wildly passionate. I feel blessed to have been working with this bad ass lady!”
Heather Terry
Founder & CEO of Good Sam Foods

“…grace, dignity, and empathy for others takes a special kind of person. This is exactly who Jennifer is and the qualities that she embodies. She is a star.”
Max Goldberg
Founder of Organic Insider

“…grace, dignity, and empathy for others takes a special kind of person. This is exactly who Jennifer is and the qualities that she embodies. She is a star.”
Max Goldberg
Founder of Organic Insider

“Simply put, Jennifer is the smartest and nicest person I know. She is incredibly talented and is always so much fun to be and work with. I feel lucky to know her.”
Jared Koch
Founder of Clean Plates

“JLove is a rockstar. Her charisma and passion, mixed with her extensive knowledge and experience, make her a one-of-a-kind leader and coach.”
Tyler Gage
Co-Founder of Runa Tea

“JLove is a rockstar. Her charisma and passion, mixed with her extensive knowledge and experience, make her a one-of-a-kind leader and coach.”
Tyler Gage
Co-Founder of Runa Tea

“With Jennifer, the only possible outcome is success!”
Chelsea Briganti
CEO, Loliware

“Jennifer has been a great help to our team. The world needs more female leaders like her.”
Tero Isokauppila
Founder & CEO, Four Sigmatic, Finland

“Jennifer has been a great help to our team. The world needs more female leaders like her.”
Tero Isokauppila
Founder & CEO, Four Sigmatic, Finland

“In three days you’ve changed my life. I will never be the same.” (Dr. Mitchell gained the confidence to land the largest deal of her career during our event.)
Dr. Lindsey Mitchell
Performance Psychologist, Founder of the Pave Group, USA

“Jennifer brings a proven track record of success, an incredible network, and creative business savvy to her clients. More importantly, she brings her whole heart.”
Alexandra Jamieson
Co-Creator, Super Size Me Bestselling Author, Women, Food, and Desire

“Jennifer brings a proven track record of success, an incredible network, and creative business savvy to her clients. More importantly, she brings her whole heart.”
Alexandra Jamieson
Co-Creator, Super Size Me Bestselling Author, Women, Food, and Desire

“Every aspect of my life has changed for the better… my work, my marriage, my relationship with my family and close friends, but most of all my inner contentment, happiness and recognised self value. I know I matter, and to take action in the world from that place each day has truly changed my life. I am forever grateful to Jennifer for shining the light on this path. I would follow her willingly to the centre of the earth or to the furtherest known star. She is simply the best and there is not one person I have met in her orbit that does not reflect the benefit of the gifts that she shares.”
Lisa Barker
Operations Specialist and Business Director