“I dare you to feel good, whole, and free about wealth. I invite you to be with money in its true nature: Sacred, Natural and Regenerative.” – Jennifer Love
Jennifer Love is a wealth philosopher, money therapist and the founding CEO of The Living Wealthy Institute. She is a sought after advisor to world leaders and an international speaker, author and educator weaving the aspects of our humanity into her garden conversation about the nature of wealth.
Award winning, 5x career entrepreneur with 20+ years under her comfy Keds, Jennifer Love is a thought leader with a heart that matches her name. For almost two decades, Jennifer has studied human and organizational behavior, and the relationship leaders have with their wealth and money. Metamorphosis and the patterns of nature inform her methodology. She unpacks our dichotomy of emotional poverty to reunite us with our innate desire to be free.

Jennifer is on a mission to help world leaders free themselves of the chains that hold them back from living wealthy – replacing overwhelm, stress, and anxiety in the money equation with a wholesome, regenerative, and nourishing experience while raising, making, managing, growing, and contributing money. These leaders become good allies in society and to future generations while living soulfully connected, deeply satisfying, and very wealthy lives.
On a given day, Jennifer can be found diving deep with a leader in a private money therapy session, guiding groups of leaders through workshops and retreats, serving as a judge for events like Startup Weekend, on stage sharing her research and views as a Wealth Philosopher, preparing entrepreneurs to land a deal on Shark Tank, advising clients behind-the-scenes of shows like Biz Fix with Marcus Lemonis, meeting with community leaders and government officials, negotiating with investors (she’s helped raise $100M+), advising leaders of Fortune 200 companies and celebrities through her Living Wealthy Model, OR at home enjoying time with her sweetheart John, her fur-baby Maggie, and her adored garden of plants.

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